Under New York's Rent Stabilization laws, owners may increase rents when they make qualified Major Capital Improvements (MCI) to a building or Individual Apartment Improvements (IAI). The law requires owners to follow certain rules and guidelines when increasing rents based on MCIs or IAIs, and it provides an avenue for tenants to dispute rent increases they believe were made unlawfully.
There are several publications below that provide information on a variety of topics, such as an overview of MCIs, the definition of a room for MCI purposes, and more. For an overview of MCIs, the useful life schedule, and more, see the Fact Sheet section. For an application to increase rent based on an MCI and application instructions, see the Forms section. For additional information regarding MCIs, visit the Operational Bulletin, and Policy Statement sections.
Owners can access highly detailed information including filing procedures on IAIs in DHCR Operational Bulletin 2024-2 and Operational Bulletin 2024-2 FAQs. Tenants can access a summary of IAI information in DHCR Fact Sheet 26 and the Form RA-LR1 New York City Lease Rider or Form RA-LR1 ETPA Standard Lease Addenda for rent stabilized tenants.
Difference Between MCI and IAI
- MCI - Owners must apply for approval from the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) in order to collect a temporary rent increase for an MCI. Increases in rent due to MCIs must be removed from the rent 30 years after the date the increase became effective. Some examples of MCI items include boilers, windows, electrical rewiring, plumbing and roofs. For more information on MCIs, see Fact Sheet #24.
- IAI - In order to collect a rent increase for an IAI, owners of rent controlled and rent stabilized apartments must notify DHCR of an IAI by filing a notification form and before and after photographs on the Owner’s Rent Regulation Application (ORRA) system. If the improvement is made in an occupied apartment, owners must also file a Tenant’s Informed Consent form. For more information on IAIs, see DHCR Operational Bulletin 2024-2 and Operational Bulletin 2024-2 FAQs. A summary of IAI information is available also in DHCR Fact Sheet 26 and the Form RA-LR1 New York City Lease Rider or Form RA-LR1 ETPA Standard Lease Addenda for rent stabilized tenants.
To view the translated versions of RN-19C Tenant’s Informed Consent form, visit the page below.
Frequently Asked Questions
1) What is the difference between an Individual Apartment Improvement (IAI) increase and a Major Capital Improvement (MCI) increase?
An MCI is an improvement or installation that improves the overall condition of a building that is subject to the rent stabilization or rent control laws. The verified costs of an MCI can be passed onto rent regulated tenants through a temporary increase to their monthly rent. However, in order to collect the rent increase the owner must file an application with DHCR. The summary of the application must be served on the tenants and they are given the chance to respond in writing. DHCR must issue an order either denying or granting the increase in whole or in part. For more information, see Fact Sheet #24 and form RA-79.
An IAI is an improvement, equipment installation, or increase in services that is made in an apartment subject to the rent stabilization or rent control laws. To collect a rent increase for an IAI, a DHCR order of approval is not needed. However, owners must file a notification form with DHCR for each IAI installation and it must be accompanied by before and after photos. In addition, if the apartment is occupied, the owner must also get the tenant’s written informed consent, which must be filed with DHCR. For more information, see Operational Bulletin 2024-2.
2) How is the legal rent adjusted when an MCI order is issued after a renewal lease had been executed?
If the effective date of the MCI order is before September 30 (the date used for calculating guideline adjustments), the renewal lease increase may be recalculated based on the higher legal rent, which now includes the entire dollar amount of the MCI rent increase. This will result in a larger renewal lease increase. The affected lease(s) do not have to be reissued, but the owner must give the tenant a statement showing the rental recalculation.
If the effective date of the MCI increase is after September 30, the increase in the legal rent will not be compounded by the guideline adjustment(s) until the next lease renewal.
The actual rent paid by the tenant is subject to an annual MCI rent increase cap of 2%. For more information, see Fact Sheet #24.
3) How should multiple overlapping MCI Rent Increases be applied to the rent?
When there are multiple overlapping MCI rent increases, they should be added to the rent in the order they were awarded, subject to the limitation of the annual 2% cap in collectibility. The first MCI rent increase should be completely added to the rent before an owner begins to apply the second MCI rent increase and so on.
4) If DHCR issues an MCI rent increase order for a building and the owner does not collect it in a timely manner, at what point does the collection of the increase become waived?
Owners must add an MCI rent increase to the rent and charge the tenant, limited by the annual 2% cap amount, within 120 days of the lawful collection date or the next lease renewal, whichever is greater. If an owner does not charge the tenant within the greater of these time frames, the MCI rent increase may be considered permanently waived. There may be no waiver if the delay of collection is due to the issuance of multiple MCI rent increases, as the collection is limited by the annual 2% cap.
5) The owner wants to renovate the entire building and has asked me to temporarily relocate. Do I have to relocate?
No. Tenants do not have to temporarily relocate to allow an owner to renovate an entire building unless ordered by DHCR, another governmental agency, or a court of competent jurisdiction.
6) Can I upload the before and after photographs before completing the Notification and/or Tenant's Informed Consent form?
No. You must first complete the Notification and when required, the Tenant's Informed Consent form. The acceptable file types for before and after photographs are limited to the following: .gif, .jpg, jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff, .pdf. In addition, the number of before pictures uploaded must equal the number of after pictures uploaded in order for you to successfully submit your Notification.
7) I previously filed an IAI Notification application for an apartment. I realize that it contained an error. Can I file an Amended Notification application?
Yes. However, you will also need to file an amended annual apartment registration, if one was already filed, which also contained the erroneous information. For improvements made to occupied apartments the Tenant's Informed Consent form will also need to be amended, filed with DHCR, and provided to the tenant. The IAI information entered needs to be consistent in all documents. Amended filings, if done in a timely manner, do not require DHCR approval. If not filed timely, you need to file an Administrative Determination request to obtain DHCR approval. For more information, please see Restrictions and Directions on Filing Amended Registrations.
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet #24: Major Capital Improvements
This Fact Sheet contains information on what qualifies to be considered a Major Capital Improvement, the documentation that is needed for the MCI application, case processing, and more.
Fact Sheet #28: Painting Rent Controlled Apartments
This Fact Sheet contains information on how painting services should be provided and the conditions in which an owner may apply for an Individual Apartment Improvement (IAI) rent increase for painting.
Fact Sheet #33: Useful Life Schedule for Major Capital Improvements
This Fact Sheet contains information on the requirements set forth by the Useful Life Schedule for a variety of MCI items and the timeline in which an owner may apply for a waiver of the application of the useful life requirement.
Fact Sheet #35: Collectibility of Major Capital Improvement (MCI) and/or Individual Apartment Improvement (IAI) Rent Increases Where the Rent is Reduced Because of Diminution of Services
This Fact Sheet contains information on how a rent reduction order affects the collectibility of an MCI or IAI rent increase.
Form #RA-79: Owner's Application for Rent Increase Based on Major Capital Improvements
Owners must use this form to apply for a temporary rent increase for an MCI. All applications for MCI rent adjustments must be filed within two years of the installation.
Form #RA-79i: Instructions for RA-79 "Owner's Application for Rent Increase Based on Major Capital Improvements"
This form contains information on the requirements for certain items to be considered an MCI by DHCR, application instructions for form RA-79, and publications that may assist the owner regarding MCI increases.
Form #RN-79b: Owner's Application for Air Conditioner Charges or For an Increase in Maximum Rent for Painting
Owners must use this form to apply for DHCR approval to collect a temporary IAI rent increase for painting or an air conditioner surcharge for rent control apartments.
Form #RA-86: Owner's Request for Prior Opinion on Major Capital Improvement(s)
Owners must use this form to request DHCR to provide an opinion as to whether their proposed improvement or installation qualifies as an MCI, before they begin to improve their building.
Operational Bulletins
Operational Bulletin #2024-2: Individual Apartment Improvements
(Replaces Operational Bulletin 2016-1) This Operational Bulletin is issued to reflect changes in the rent laws regarding Individual Apartment Improvements (IAIs).
Operational Bulletin #2023-4: Collectibility of MCI/IAI Increases Where the Rent is Reduced Because of Diminution of Services
(Replaces Operational Bulletin 2014-2) This Operational Bulletin contains information on how a rent reduction order affects the collectibility of an MCI or IAI rent increase.
Update Number #4 to Operational Bulletin 2021-1: Reasonable Cost Schedule
This updated cost schedule will apply to eligible improvements or installations that commenced on/or after January 1, 2025 for items that appeared in the previous cost schedule. For improvements or installations that appear on this cost schedule for the first time, the costs contained herein will apply.
Update Number #3 to Operational Bulletin 2021-1: Reasonable Cost Schedule
This updated cost schedule will apply to eligible improvements or installations that commenced on/or after January 1, 2024 for items that appeared in the previous cost schedule. For improvements or installations that appear on this cost schedule for the first time, the costs contained herein will apply.
Update Number #2 to Operational Bulletin 2021-1: Reasonable Cost Schedule
This updated cost schedule will apply to eligible improvements or installations that commenced on/or after January 1, 2023 for items that appeared in the previous cost schedule. For improvements or installations that appear on this cost schedule for the first time, the costs contained herein will apply.
Update Number #1 to Operational Bulletin 2021-1: Reasonable Cost Schedule
This updated cost schedule will apply to eligible improvements or installations that commenced on/or after January 1, 2022 for items that appeared in the previous cost schedule. For improvements or installations that appear on this cost schedule for the first time, the costs contained herein will apply.
Operational Bulletin #2021-1: Reasonable Cost Schedule
(Replaces Operational Bulletin 2020-1) This Operational Bulletin contains information on the reasonable cost schedule for MCIs which sets a ceiling for what can be recovered through a temporary MCI rent increase, based on the type of improvement and its rate of depreciation. It also contains information on when and how an owner may apply for a waiver of the application of the reasonable cost schedule.
Operational Bulletin #2020-1: Reasonable Cost Schedule
(Historical document. Replaced by Operational Bulletin 2021-1.) This Operational Bulletin contains information on the reasonable cost schedule for MCIs which sets a ceiling for what can be recovered through a temporary MCI rent increase, based on the type of improvement and its rate of depreciation. It also contains information on when and how an owner may apply for a waiver of the application of the reasonable cost schedule.
Operational Bulletin #2018-1: The Effect of Defective Work on the Disposition of an Owner's Application for a Major Capital Improvement (MCI) Rent Increase
This Operational Bulletin contains information on how DHCR may reject or partially grant MCI applications where there are defective installations, or the improvement isn’t inclusive as to benefit all tenants within the building.
Operational Bulletin #2017-1: Major Capital Improvements - Confirmation of Costs/Payments
This Operational Bulletin contains information on how DHCR will review an owner’s MCI application relative to the issue of the costs of the qualifying improvement, and the type of documentation required to prove the actual cost of the improvement.
Operational Bulletin #2014-2: Collectibility of MCI/IAI Increases Where the Rent is Reduced Because of Diminution of Services
(Historical document. Replaced by Operational Bulletin 2023-4). This Operational Bulletin contains information on how a rent reduction order affects the collectibility of an MCI or IAI rent increase.
Operational Bulletin #90-2: Useful Life Schedule for Major Capital Improvements
This Operational Bulletin contains information on the requirements set forth by the Useful Life Schedule for a variety of MCI items. It also contains information on when and how an owner may apply for a waiver of the application of the useful life schedule.
Policy Statements
Policy Statement #93-2: Definition of Room for MCI Purposes
This Policy Statement contains the definition of a room for MCI purposes only.