New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) is committed to aligning the development and preservation of affordable housing with the ambitious goal of 85% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). This initiative by HCR emphasizes the importance of improving building energy efficiency and transitioning from fossil fuels to efficient electric solutions.
Program Description
HCR has partnered with NYSERDA to create the Clean Energy Initiative Program to develop a model for incorporating clean energy incentives and technical support into affordable housing. The Clean Energy Initiative (CEI) funds highly efficient all-electric retrofits for existing and historic buildings and is managed directly by HCR without needing a separate NYSERDA application. HCR’s Clean Energy Initiative program provides gap financing for the decarbonization work aligned with HCR’s Sustainability Guidelines Stretch Goal standards for Existing Building (EB) projects. Project teams should review the applicable Sustainability Guidelines based on construction type for a detailed list of technical requirements.
CEI funding is available for Existing Building projects receiving HTFC/DHCR 9% LIHTC RFP, HFA 4% LHTC Tax-exempt Bond Financing, or HCR Subsidy Financing, including Small Building Participation Loan Program (PLP). Applicants must prove payment into the Systems Benefit Charge (SBC) through their utility provider, although a limited amount of funding is available for projects outside SBC territory on a first-come, first-served basis.
Selected projects will receive a conditional CEI award and support from an assigned Technical Assistance Provider (TAP), who will assist with design and compliance at no additional cost. TAP services do not replace project’s sustainability or energy consultant.
1. To be eligible for participation, a project must be, or be capable of and intend to be, a New York State electricity distribution customer of a participating utility company that pays into the System Benefits Charge (SBC). A limited amount of funding is available for Existing Buildings only that are located outside of SBC territory. Projects applying outside of SBC territory will be awarded on a first come first served basis, at the discretion of HCR, based on availability of funding. Projects should include this request at application to be considered.
2. The development team will commit to partner with a designated Technical Assistance Provider, who will assist in:
A. Enhanced design development and construction documentation with the current project design team.
B. Provide construction oversight for CEI compliance
C. Coordinate with the development team to collect Measurement and Verification for two years post lease up
D. Ensure proper Benchmarking outlined in the regulatory agreement of successful CEI awarded projects
3. The development team will commit to working closely with HCR’s Office of Finance and Development, Design Unit and Sustainability Team through design, construction, measurement, and verification.
4. Fully comply with the term sheet and Sustainability Guidelines based on project type, as defined by HCR Sustainability Guidelines.
5. Projects receiving PLP funding should comply with the Sustainability Guidelines and CEI PLP term sheet.
Below are the term sheets for each eligible project type under the Clean Energy Initiative Program.
Case Studies
Clean Energy Initiative Term Sheets
Adaptive Reuse projects with SHPO designation can apply to receive CEI funding under the CEI Substantial Rehabilitation term sheet.
Exceptions and Exemptions for the Use of Fund:
The funds cover the cost difference between projects meeting HCR Design Guidelines and HCR’s Stretch Sustainability Goals for all-electric existing buildings. While ground source heat pumps and solar photovoltaics are not required, they are encouraged if cost-effective.
Projects must meet the Baseline Requirements in HCR Sustainability Guidelines and cannot receive support from other clean energy programs for similar housing.
Projects can still use other programs such as Real Time Energy Management Program (RTEM), Charge Ready NY, and NY Sun, in conjunction with the Clean Energy Initiative Program. Projects may also be eligible to receive federal or state tax credits. HCR advises applying for these additional funding source.
Clean Heat funds can not be used to fund the same measures as CEI funded measures. Clean Heat can only be used with CEI funds where CEI funds and Clean Heat funds are not used for the same measure. Any applicant looking to pursue Clean Heat funds must disclose this at the time of CEI application with details on which measures Clean Heat will fund, and which measures the proposed CEI funds will support.
How to Apply
There is not a stand-alone application for the CEI program. Please follow the directions below, based on your funding pathway with the agency. Currently CEI funds are only available to projects who are applying for HTFC/DHCR 9% LIHTC RFP, HFA 4% LHTC Tax-exempt Bond Financing, or HCR Subsidy Financing.
- The application to CEI is now integrated into the financing applications for either the HTFC/DHCR 9% LIHTC RFP, HFA 4% LHTC Tax-exempt Bond Financing, or HCR Subsidy Financing programs
- Applicants should follow the term sheet that applies to their project.
- HTFC/DHCR 9% LIHTC RFP projects should make sure that Tabs D-3 and D-6 reflect[P(1] the CEI scope of work
- HFA 4% LHTC Tax-exempt Bond Financing and HCR Subsidy Financing projects should make sure that Tabs M-1 and M-2 reflect the CEI scope of work
- These tabs within the financing application will be used to determine CEI Term Sheet compliance
- The following documents are provided for guidance only for the purposes of using the CEI term sheets and applying for the program. HCR does not represent that any calculations, methodology, or guidance provided in these documents will produce actual cost or engineered information nor should these documents be used for other engineering calculations.