Contact Us

HCR Contact Information by Department

Listed Alphabetically


Freedom of Information Law Requests:
Access to records maintained by HCR may be requested for in writing, or through the U.S. mail, or hand delivery through the HCR Portal.                                                                      File a Freedom of Information Law Request


Legal Affairs:
All legal service and communications should be directed to 641 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022More details


General Inquiries:
General inquiries: [email protected]


Press and Media Inquiries Only:
Press and media inquiries: [email protected]


Rent Administration:
Office of Rent Administration: 1 (833) 499-0343
Apartment Rent History or Am I Rent Stabilized Inquiry: Submit your inquiry
Rent Connect Assistant – Get Answers to Your Questions 
(Multiple Languages Available):
 Access Rent Connect Assistant
Tenant Protection Unit: [email protected]


Rent Administration Borough Offices:
Bronx Borough Rent Office
1 Fordham Plaza, 4th Floor
Bronx, New York 10458 
Phone: 718-430-0880
Brooklyn Borough Rent Office
55 Hanson Place, 6th Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11217
Phone: 718-722-4778
Lower Manhattan Borough Rent Office
25 Beaver Street, 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10004
Phone: 212-480-6238
Upper Manhattan Borough Rent Office
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Office Building
163 West 125th St, 5th Floor
New York, New York 10027
Phone: 212-961-8930
Queens Borough Rent Office and Enforcement Unit
Gertz Plaza
92-31 Union Hall Street, 6th Floor
Jamaica, New York 11433
Phone: 718-482-4041
Westchester County Rent Office
75 South Broadway, 3rd Floor
White Plains, New York 10601
Phone: 914-948-4434


HCR Main Office Locations:
641 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 10022

25 Beaver Street, 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10004
Gertz Plaza
92-31 Union Hall Street
Jamaica, New York 11433
Hampton Plaza
38-40 State Street
Albany, NY 12207
Electric Tower
Suite 105
535 Washington Street
Buffalo, NY 14203 
620 West Erie Blvd.
Suite 312 
Syracuse, NY 13204 


HCR Office Closure Information
For weather-related closure information                                                     1 (866) 930-3427