HUD Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) Agencies

HUD provides FHAP funding annually on a noncompetitive basis to State and local agencies that enforce fair housing laws that are substantially equivalent to the Fair Housing Act.

FHAP-funded activities help protect families and individuals who believe they have been victims of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or familial status (i.e., the presence of children) in the sale, rental, or financing of housing.

The FHAP supports a variety of fair housing administrative and enforcement activities, including complaint processing, training, implementation of data and information systems, and other special projects.

HUD Fair Housing Initiatives Programs (FHIP) Agencies

Fair Housing Initiative Program (FHIP) Fair housing organizations and other non-profits that receive funding through the Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) assist people who believe they have been victims of housing discrimination.

FHIP organizations partner with HUD to help people identify government agencies that handle complaints of housing discrimination. They also conduct preliminary investigation of claims, including sending "testers" to properties suspected of practicing housing discrimination. Testers are minorities and whites with the same financial qualifications who evaluate whether housing providers treat equally-qualified people differently.

National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA)

NFHA works to eliminate housing discrimination and to ensure equal housing opportunities for all people through leadership, education, outreach, public policy initiatives advocacy and enforcement.

For additional information visit their website.