Blue Buffers Information Request Form

Blue Buffers is a new voluntary buyout program established under Title 3 Restoration and Flood Risk Reduction, Section 58-0303 of the New York State Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022 (EBA). 

The EBA provides $250 million to the Housing Trust Fund Corporation’s Office of Resilient Homes and Communities (RHC) to purchase private real property identified as at-risk to flooding from willing sellers, demolish and remove structures and/or infrastructure on the property, and transfer properties to land stewards to facilitate the restoration of beneficial open space, flood mitigation, and/or shoreline stabilization which shall be subject to recorded use restrictions. 

Blue Buffers is required by law to restrict voluntary buyouts to at-risk properties. RHC will identify areas of highest risk based on established criteria and then begin community outreach in those areas. Only homeowners in these identified areas will be able to apply for a buyout. 

If you would like to receive more information about Blue Buffers, please provide us your contact information. **By filling out the contact form below, you are NOT applying for the program. You are only requesting information.**

Contact Information

I consent to Blue Buffers providing program information to me using the contact information provided above.