HCR Multifamily Asset Map

HCR Multifamily Asset Map


The Office of Research and Strategic Analysis (ORSA), working with HCR’s Office of Housing Preservation (OHP) Asset Management divisions, various HCR programs and offices, and other stakeholders, are undertaking a project to validate and geocode the agency’s administrative data across some of its key multifamily portfolios. The aim of this project to visualize every building in those portfolios and how they relate geographically to each other. Currently, this project contains information on buildings across five major multifamily portfolios that HCR is responsible for. The aim is to update these data each quarter.

Portfolio’s Under OHP Asset Management Divisions

New York State Housing Finance Agency (HFA)

The New York State Housing Finance Agency (HFA) is a public benefit corporation created in 1960 to finance low- and moderate-income rental housing, now operating as part of HCR. HFA's mission is to create and preserve high quality affordable multifamily rental housing that serves communities across the State of New York. To do that, HFA issues taxable and tax-exempt bonds (financing resources include agency-issued tax-exempt, taxable, and 501(c)(3) bonds, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and subsidy loans) to provide financing to for-profit and not-for-profit developers to build affordable housing and preserve existing affordable housing, including Mitchell Lama developments. For more information on HFA, please see: https://hcr.ny.gov/housing-finance-agency


Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR)

HCR's Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) is responsible for the supervision, maintenance, and development of affordable low-and moderate-income housing in New York State. DHCR performs a number of activities in the multifamily sphere, including oversight and regulation of the State's public and publicly assisted rental housing, and administration of housing development and community preservation programs, including State and Federal grants and loans to housing developers to finance construction and renovation of affordable housing. The DHCR multifamily portfolio includes units financed through the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC) - including NYS HOME Program, 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), and State Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (SLITHC). For more information on DHCR, please see: https://hcr.ny.gov/division-housing-and-community-renewal


Mitchell-Lama Program

The Mitchell-Lama Program provides housing across New York State that is affordable to the middle class. It was created by the Limited Profit Housing Act in 1955, which was championed by Manhattan State Senator MacNeil Mitchell and former Brooklyn Assemblyman Alfred Lama. HCR DHCR plays an oversight role for existing Mitchell-Lama developments under its regulatory supervision (NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development oversees a separate portfolio of Mitchell-Lama companies, not represented here). DHCR works with owners as they near the end of their 20-year affordability requirements to provide low-cost financing tools that help maintain the developments while also extending their affordability. For more information on the Mitchell-Lama program operated by DHCR, please see: https://hcr.ny.gov/mitchell-lama-program


State-Aided Municipal Housing Authority Assets:

HCR partners with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Federal Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) outside of New York City, and private for-profit and not-for-profit developers to ensure the long-term affordability and sustainability of existing public housing units and complexes.



Other Portfolios

Project-Based Contract Administrator (PBCA)

HCR is the HUD-designated Project-Based Contract Administrator (PBCA) for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 8, Section 811, and Section 202 programs, which provide rental assistance to very low-income families across the State. HCR is directly responsible to HUD for Section 8 program functions and requirements, which are carried out through a contract with a Private Sector Partner, currently held by CGI. For more information on the PBCA portfolio, please see: http://www.pbcany.com.

View the Map

View the Map of HCR Multifamily assets

*Assets are added to this map when they come under the supervision of HCR’s Office of Housing Preservation. This typically occurs after the development has converted from its construction-phase financing sources to its permanent sources as units are being leased. Not all programs under the purview of the Office of Housing Preservation are included in this map.