Income Limits


This page describes how household income is viewed as the main criteria for eligibility on SONYMA, AHC and HFA programs. Income limits vary by program and are based on income limits issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The different sections below explain how each program applies income limits to determine eligibility.

AHC Income Limits

Income limits are determined by AHC Grantees-typically non-profit housing organizations-in cooperation with AHC. The limits vary by project, but usually fall in one of the categories in the AHC Income Limits Chart.

To determine the income limits for a specific project, contact the AHC Grantee.
View a list of AHC Grantees.

HFA Income Limits

In HFA-financed rental projects, the most common income limits applied to affordable units are 60% of Area Median Income (AMI) and 50% of AMI (also known as the "Very Low Income Limit").

  • View income limits by metropolitan area (MSA) and by county or non-metropolitan areas. (Column headings "20/50" are 50% of AMI; column headings "40/60" are 60 % of AMI. The third and fourth pages of this document also lists corresponding maximum allowable monthly rents.)

For HFA's Manufactured Home Cooperative Fund Program, income restrictions apply and preference will be given to applicants whose average incomes do not exceed the median income for the county in which the park is located.

SONYMA Income Limits

In addition to borrowers' income eligibility, homes being purchased with SONYMA mortgages are subject to Purchase Price Limits.

Visit HUD user, HUD's online information resource, to see the HUD income data used to calculate these income limits.