Language Accessibility

Language Access

Language Access Plan

Office of Rent Administration Language Access

These documents have been translated from the English language to the following languages: Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Italian, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Bengali, Yiddish, Polish, Arabic, French, and Urdu. The translations provided are purely a guide to the corresponding English documents and are not intended to replace the use of the English forms. The Office of Rent Administration (ORA) has had these documents translated to assist users with Limited English Proficiency. Please note that these translations are by a contractor retained by the Office of General Services. ORA does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy of the translation. Users who require translation assistance from the Office of Rent Administration (ORA) may also call the Rent Info Line at 1 (833) 499-0343. Translators are available during normal business hours through a contract with the Office of General Services.


Effective October 17, 2024, to access the IAI Tenant’s Informed Consent form, RN-19C, which is available in 12 languages other than English, please select the PURPLE link below:

RN-19C Individual Apartment Improvement: Tenant’s Informed Consent (Non-English Versions)


To access over 30 Office of Rent Administration vital documents which have been translated into 12 languages, please select one of the language links below:

Mitchell-Lama Language Access

Mitchell-Lama Info Line: 1-212-480-7343

  • Español (Spanish) - Llámenos al 1-212-480-7147 si necesita ayuda gratis en su idioma.
  • 中國 - 傳統 (Chinese - Traditional) - 請給我們打電話號碼 : 1-212-480-7147, 要求免費的語言協助服務。
  • Русский (Russian) - Чтобы получить бесплатные переводческие услуги, позвоните, пожалуйста, по следующему номеру: 1-212-480-7147
  • Italiano (Italian) - Chiamare il 1-212-480-7147 per assistenza linguistica gratuita.
  • Kreyòl ayisyen (Haitian-Creole) - Tanpri rele nou nao 1-212-480-7147 pou jwenn sèvis èd gratis nan lang
  • 한국어 (Korean) - 전화1-212-480-7147 로 무료 언어 지원 서비스를 요청하십시오.

Section 8 Language Access

  • Español (Spanish) - Llámenos al 1-212-480-6672 si necesita ayuda gratis en su idioma.
  • 中國 - 傳統 (Chinese - Traditional) -請給我們打電話號碼 : 1-212-480-6672, 要求免費的語言協助服務。
  • Русский (Russian) - Чтобы получить бесплатные переводческие услуги, позвоните, пожалуйста, по следующему номеру: 1-212-480-6672
  • Italiano (Italian) - Chiamare il 1-212-480-6672 per assistenza linguistica gratuita.
  • Kreyòl ayisyen (Haitian-Creole) - Tanpri rele nou nao 1-212-480-6672 pou jwenn sèvis èd gratis nan lang
  • 한국어 (Korean) - 전화1-212-480-6672 로 무료 언어 지원 서비스를 요청하십시오.