In March, the contractor continued to place stone and ECOncrete™ units on Breakwater ‘F’ up to the crest and installed navigation aids. The W2223 crane barge placed armor stone ECOncrete™ on trunk and reef ridges of Breakwaters ‘G’ and ‘H’. With the completion of Breakwater ‘F’, the red W537 crane finished its work on the project and was demobilized at the end of the month. The remaining stone placement work will be done by the W2223 and the smaller yellow amphibious excavators. Armor stone continues to be produced at Silvi Quarry and delivered to site for the construction of the last two breakwaters.
At the Shoreline Restoration, sand placement that started mid-February is now nearly finished. Work is projected to be completed by mid-April before the start of Horseshoe Crab mating season. The contractor may do some touch-ups to the beach in the late summer and fall, but dozers, trucks, and fencing will be demobilized in April and the beach will be clear for public use.
Image Descriptions
- Left: Aerial photo of Living Breakwaters (Credit: WMI + Bernstein Associates, February 2024)
- Center: Aerial photo of construction at Breakwaters ‘E’,‘F’, and ‘G’ (Credit: WMI + Bernstein Associates, February 2024)
- Right: Shoreline photo of construction at Breakwaters ‘E’,‘F’, ‘G’, and ‘H’ under construction with the Shoreline Restoration in foreground (Credit: WMI + Bernstein Associates, February 2024)
And just like that, construction of the Shoreline Restoration component of the Living Breakwaters is wrapping up! See below for pre-construction photos from Spring of 2023 (images on the left) as compared to Spring of 2024 (images on the right). In 2023, exposed pipes and old piles are clearly visible amidst the eroded shoreline. In contrast, the 2024 images of the projects’ finishing stage shows the shoreline with approximately 22,000 tons of new sand blending right into the existing beach. Come enjoy the new, wider beach!
For more background information on the Shoreline Restoration component of the Living Breakwaters, see our FAQ page. Also, if you would like to come see the new and improved shoreline yourself, save the date for our Spring Public Event on Sunday, May 19 (rain date May 26)! Details and RSVP to come soon.
Image Descriptions
- Left Top: Before Shoreline Restoration Photo (Credit: SCAPE, May 2023)
- Left Bottom: Before Shoreline Restoration Photo (Credit: Baird, March 2023)
- Right Top: Shoreline Restoration Near-Completion Photo (Credit: Baird, March 2024)
- Right Bottom: Shoreline Restoration Near-Completion Photo (Credit: Baird, March 2024)
Save the date for our Spring Public Event on Sunday, May 19, 2024 (rain date May 26)! Details and RSVP to come soon.