Lace Fact

Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Programs

Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Programs


The Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Program (NPP and RPP) provides administrative funds to support community-based not-for-profit corporations known as Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Companies (NPCs and RPCs). There are currently 191 Companies in the Program.

For over 40 years the Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Program has provided financial and technical assistance to these companies with a goal of providing safe, healthy, and affordable housing for families throughout New York State. Services provided by the Preservation Companies vary by organization, and include, but are not limited to:

  • Housing preservation and rehabilitation
  • Mobile and manufactured home replacement
  • Accessibility modifications
  • Housing counseling (tenant; homebuyer; foreclosure prevention)
  • Landlord and tenant mediation
  • Property management
  • Septic and well upgrades
  • Crime watch programs
  • Employment and job training programs
  • Subsidy Assistance (SNAP; SCRIE; DRIE; HEAP, etc)
  • Weatherization assistance
  • Legal assistance
  • “Main Street” and downtown revitalization

The Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Companies provide local, front line support for housing needs in communities and neighborhoods throughout New York State. The Companies use HCR’s administrative support to leverage funds from the private sector and other public sources. These leveraged resources extend the available service offerings and increase support available to revitalize distressed communities, increase economic opportunities and improve access to safe and affordable housing in New York State.

Funding Round Materials

Neighborhood & Rural Preservation Program Manual

The Preservation Program Manual is designed to provide Preservation Program participants and Homes and Community Renewal staff with a handbook that explains the requirements, processes and procedures of the Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP) and the Rural Preservation Program (RPP).

NRPP Program Manual

Forms & Documents

Annual Reports

Included in this Annual Report are details of funding sources and categories of activities performed by the Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Companies under contract with HCR. You’ll also find descriptions of the NPP and RPP including background and funding histories.

Neighborhood & Rural Preservation Company Directory