The Stability Voucher Program is a new initiative through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), made possible through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, which made $43,439,000 available to fund approximately 4,000 new incremental vouchers under Section 8. NYSHCR received 69 stability vouchers to distribute statewide.
The Stability Voucher Program is designed to encourage a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness.
HUD has four key priorities for SV:
- Reduce unsheltered homelessness
- Support underserved communities
- Advance sustainable communities
- Involve a broad array of stakeholders
To be eligible for a Stability Voucher (SV), the household must meet one of four eligibility criteria:
- Individuals and families who are currently experiencing homelessness;
- Individuals and families at risk of homelessness;
- Individuals and families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual assault;
- Veterans and families that include a veteran family member that meet one of the preceding criteria (1-3).
Program Incentives
The Stability Voucher Program provides two key incentives:
- The security deposit payment, equal to one month’s rent, is covered.
- Landlords receive a “Landlord Bonus” payment, equal to one month’s rent.
Learn More
For more information, please contact the local Continuum of Care (CoC) based on the county where you reside:
- Cattaraugus, Clinton, Fulton, Herkimer, Putnam, Schoharie, Sullivan, and Montgomery
- CoC: NYS Balance of State, 40 North Pearl Street Albany NY 12243
- Please Call: (518) 473-0408
- Cayuga, Oswego, and Onondaga
- CoC: Housing and Homeless Coalition of Central NY at the United Way, 980 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13203
- Please email: [email protected]
- Orange
- CoC: HONOR, 38 Seward Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
- Please Call: (845) 343-7115
- Nassau, Suffolk
- CoC: Long Island Coalition for the Homeless, 600 Albany Avenue, Suite 2, Amityville, NY 11701
- Please Call: (631) 464-4314 ext. 118
- Ulster
- CoC: Family of Woodstock, Inc., 166 Albany Ave., Kingston, NY 12401
- Please Call: (845) 331-7080
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What population is eligible for the Stability Voucher (SV) Program?
In order to be eligible for a SV, the household must meet one of four eligibility criteria:
- Individuals and families who are currently experiencing homelessness;
- Individuals and families at risk of homelessness;
- Individuals and families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual assault;
- Veterans and families that include a veteran family that meet one of the preceding criteria (1-3).
Q: What is the difference between “currently homeless” and “recently homeless”?
”Currently homeless” refers to someone experiencing homelessness and having received temporary assistance (such as an Emergency Housing Voucher). “Recently homeless” refers to someone receiving longer-term assistance and not at risk of homelessness.
Example: If someone was previously homeless and is now receiving a type of long-term subsidy, they would be considered “recently homeless” and therefore would not be eligible for a Stability Voucher.
Q: Do landlords receive an incentive for renting to tenants with a Stability Voucher?
Yes. The Stability Voucher Program covers the security deposit and provides a Landlord Bonus, both equal to one month’s rent.
Q: How are the landlord incentives administered?
The landlord incentives will be administered by the program’s Local Administrator organizations once all paperwork is submitted and approved.
Q: What if an individual or family is over income?
As in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, the Public Housing Authority must determine whether a family is income eligible prior to the provision of Stability Voucher assistance. If the family is over income based on the most recently published income limits for the family size, the family is ineligible for SV assistance.
Q: How does Stability Voucher help me pay rent?
If you lease up in a unit with an SV, your household will typically pay 30% of your household income toward rent, and the Local Administrator will pay the difference. As the voucher holder, you will pay your portion of the rent directly to the owner. Local Administrator will pay their portion of the rent directly to the owner as well.
Q: Is there a deadline for when the voucher must be issued and when the voucher turns over?
No. There is no deadline.
Q: What are the key differences between the Stability Voucher (SV) Program and the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program?
There are four key differences between SV and EHV:
- Families defined as “recently homeless” are eligible for EHV but not SV.
- SV has an eligibility category that EHV does not: #4 Veterans and families that include a veteran family that meet one of the preceding criteria (1-3).
- The SV program is administered by the Local Administrator covering the county the applicant is in at the time of the referral.
- SV incentives only include coverage of the security deposit and the landlord bonus equal to one month’s rent.
Q: What is the effective date of the program?
The effective date is September 1, 2023. This is the first date for which rent portion payments can begin to be paid by Local Administrator.
Q: Can a family immediately move to another county/state under the Stability Voucher Program?
Yes, a family may move immediately.
Note: If an SV family ports to a non-SV Public Housing Authority, they will become a tenant in HCV and their voucher will be administered in accordance with the requirements of the HCV Program, not the SV Program.
Q: Does a Veteran qualify if not currently homeless but is fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual assault?
Q: What are grounds for denial?
There are eight reasons for which an applicant may be denied and two reasons for which applicant WILL BE denied:
- If any member of the family has been evicted from federally assisted housing in the last five years.
- If a PHA has ever terminated assistance under the program for any member of the family.
- If any member of the family has committed fraud, bribery, or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with any Federal housing program.
- If the family currently owes rent or other amounts to the PHA or to another PHA in connection with Section 8 or public housing assistance under the 1937 Act.
- If the family has not reimbursed any PHA for amounts paid to an owner under a HAP contract for rent, damages to the unit, or other amounts owed by the family under the lease.
- If the family breached an agreement with the PHA to pay amounts owed to a PHA, or amounts paid to an owner by a PHA.
- If the family engaged in or threatened abusive or violent behavior toward PHA personnel.
- If the family has been engaged in criminal activity or alcohol abuse as described in
CFR§ 982.553.
An applicant will be denied if:
- If any household member has ever been convicted of drug-related criminal activity for manufacture or production of methamphetamine on the premises of federally assisted housing.
- If any member of the household is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a state sex offender registration program.
Q: What if my application for Stability Voucher assistance is denied?
If your application is denied, you will receive written notice of the denial and can request an informal review.
Q: Where can I find the Certification Referral form?
Please reach out to your local Continuum-of-Care (CoC) to obtain any necessary forms.
Q: What is a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract?
This is the agreement between the PHA (NYSHCR) and the owner of the apartment, for the program to make monthly subsidy payments on your behalf to the owner. The program will provide the HAP contract to the owner in the final stage of the rental process. The owner must sign and return the HAP contract to the program with a fully executed lease.
Q: Will I be eligible for assistance with a security deposit or moving expenses?
Stability Voucher (SV) holders may be eligible to receive security deposit and moving expense assistance. Your Case Manager can provide more details and guide you through the next steps.
Q: What is the initial voucher term to search for an apartment/housing:
The LA will provide SVs an initial term for an SV of 180 days. A maximum of two additional 60-day extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances; however, the search term may not exceed a total of 300 total days without the exception of an approved reasonable accommodation.
The family must submit a Request for Tenancy Approval and proposed lease within the 180-day period unless the LA grants an extension. Extensions will only be granted for extenuating circumstances or reasonable accommodation.
Q: How does the housing search process work?
Once you receive an SV, you must find an apartment to rent and submit a completed leasing package to your assigned Case Manager before the expiration of your voucher. Your CoC can help connect you with Stability Voucher (SV) housing search assistance. Please work closely with them as they may have access to resources dedicated to the housing search. Please make your best efforts to attend all appointments and apartment viewings.
Q: Where can I find more information on portability?
Additional Resources:
HUD’s Stability Voucher Webpage
Administrative Plan:
The Stability Voucher Program follows the HCV Program administrative plan: https://hcr.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2024/09/hcr-administrative-plan-september-2024.pdf