SONYMA event


in the community!

Unlock the benefits of homeownership with SONYMA!

Join our bi-monthly consumer calls to get your questions answered and learn more about our programs and products. Our experts are here to help you navigate the path to your dream home. 

Plus, don't miss out on our periodic in-person events, where you can gain valuable insights and connect with other homebuyers. 

Stay informed and empowered with SONYMA!




SONYMA Consumer Information Webinar

Thursday, December 19 from 6pm-7pm
Click here to register!







Veterans' Job & Resource Fair with the Office of Nassau County Legislator Seth Koslow

Monday, November 4 from 9am-1pm
Temple Beth Am of Merrick and Bellmore, 2377 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566



Virtual First-time Homebuyer Seminar with Northfield of Staten Island

Thursday, November 14 from 6pm-8pm
Click here to email for registration information!



Achieving The American Dream Homeownership Expo

Saturday, November 16 from 10am-4pm
Boricua College, 3755 Broadway, New York, NY 10032
Click here to register!



















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Please fill out this form.