Child looking out of window

Weatherization Tips - How to Weatherize Your Windows

Weatherization Tips - How to Weatherize Your Windows

How to Weatherize Your Windows

Weatherizing old windows doesn’t have to be expensive or even that time-consuming. As part of weatherizing your home for winter and before you decide specifically how to weatherize your windows, though, it’s smart to take the time to check your windows for air leaks. The Energy Information Administration estimates that as much as 33% of heat loss occurs through leaky windows and doors.

  1. Install window film: A window film— literally, a plastic film that is placed over window glass— can keep up to 70% of your heat from leaking out your windows, says Bob Vila of This Old House. They work especially well for weatherizing old windows because you don’t need to worry about any cracks or loose areas often found in older windows. Just place the film on the glass.
  2. Install weatherstrip. Adding weatherstripping is a great weatherizing windows tip that can help keep the outside air where it belongs — outside. See our weatherstripping tips below for weatherizing windows and doors.
  3. Add caulk. Caulking works best for weatherizing old windows with cracks that are less than ¼ inch in width on non-moveable window parts. We’re likely talking frame here or perhaps where the trim meets the wall.
  4. Install draft stoppers. Like the draft guards or door sweepers attached to the bottom of doors, window draft stoppers placed at the bottom of a window frame can also be an effective window weatherization strategy. Just place the stopper at the bottom of the window and shut it tight. Voila! No more air leak.

Get Free Weatherization Assistance 

The New York State Weatherization Assistance Program helps reduce heating and cooling costs for income-eligible homeowners and renters by providing free services that help conserve energy and improve safety and health standards.

Weatherization services include: 

  • Sealing of cracks and holes to reduce heat loss;
  • insulation of attics and walls;
  • heating system repairs or replacement;
  • providing efficient lighting and refrigeration;
  • window and/or outside door repair or replacement;
  • minor repairs which are needed to ensure maximum efficiency of the weatherization services performed;
  • and mitigation of energy-related health and safety issues.


Learn More about Weatherization Assistance